
ground-based astronomy meaning in English



  1. The report comes from a committee tasked with shaving $ 30 million from the nsf ground - based astronomy budget ? about 15 % of the total budget for the nsf ' s division of astronomical sciences
    该报告出自一个以从国家科学基金地基天文学预算中削减3千万美元? ?大约占到国家科学基金天文科学部门总预算的15 % ? ?为任务的委员会。

Related Words

  1. astronomy
  2. popular astronomy
  3. radio astronomy
  4. balloon astronomy
  5. amateur astronomy
  6. radiolocational astronomy
  7. geodetic astronomy
  8. morphological astronomy
  9. mathematical astronomy
  10. satellite astronomy
  11. ground-based anemometer
  12. ground-based antimissile defense system
  13. ground-based beacon
  14. ground-based computer
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